Monday, August 9, 2010

poetry postcards

so for the month of august, i have joined this mailing group that mails a postcard a day to someone with poetry on it. you sign up to be part of it and the idea is that everyday for the month of august someone will send you a postcard with original poetry on it. i have been sending mine out and so far i have gotten 3 postcards. i thought i would share the poetry i have gotten, and then continue to share through the month as i continue to get them. bare with me about some of the words, the handwriting isn't always the best. if i'm questionable about a word, i will put a question mark next to it.

poem one has no title:
Begin with a bright
a bold line drawn
like Vienna in gold
on your upper lip
the scudding(?) clouds piling
for seduction
round and loose
While innocence sleeps
on your neck...

                                                   poem two: First Tourist Sight
                                                   The dervish(?) begins whirling
                                                   Arms spread out
                                                   And a little red cap atop
                                                   his head

                                                   he quickens his pace
                                                   his skirt slowly rises above
                                                   his boots
                                                   until it balloons around his

                                                   he transforms into a white
                                                   no longer human
                                                   in joyous worship

poem three: Ghost Memories
Wearing mist shrouds
they rise from Earth
to haunt the muted sky
echoing the past

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