Wednesday, April 28, 2010

poets & writers: children reading

so one of my favorite magazines to read is poets & writers. it has great tips about writing, and college's with mfa's, and anything really to do with the industry of writing. they list contests that are coming out, and they list the past winners of those contests. which i like for it gives those writers some exposer to a larger audience. well on 4/26 they posted their daily news on their website and they had an article about children reading. so i clicked on it and it was an article about how parents might be part of the problem children don't read as much. not just video games and other media things, which get blamed all the time, and i think a part of the reason, but not all of the reason (were there enough comma's for you?). the article stated that parents must let their children choose what they read and not force reading on the child. it goes on to give 5 tips that will help parents to help children read more. and i have to say that after reading the article i would agree with the statements made in the article.

reading was never forced on me as a kid, well besides stuff from school. and i read all the time as a kid and that still continues today. the only restrictions that were ever inforced on me as a kid reading, were the prices of the books. i could never get one book that was $30. but i could get a couple books that added up to $30. other than that, i never had any reading restrictions. and i think that is a big reason why i have no fear reading anything today. i read everything and anything. and from reading everything, i know the different types of books i like and the ones i don't like.

so all in all, i think that this is a good article for parents to read and i'm glad poets & writers posted the article.

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